
Showing posts from July, 2024

Unexpected prognosis

Much had happened during the 6-weeks+ period after the last appointment with Dr Annuar , the orthopedic at SJMC: I finished the prescribed Arcoxia. I took it at night after supper so that I wouldn't be lulled by its painkiller effect and thereby doing stuff that would aggravate the injury, and yet I would benefit from its anti-inflammatory property. I stopped taking it like 3-4 days before appointment with physiotherapist so that I could provide a more accurate feedback to her. I missed 3 out of 6 physio sessions: 2 due to illness and 1 was because I was away in Butterworth. Therapist said I could resume swimming, and doing assisted push-ups i.e. with knees on the mat. Both didn't cause any issue (yay!). In fact, I now could do some full push-ups. I injured my left wrist, highly likely by overdoing the physio exercises. I probably didn't recognise the limit of my strength and therefore agreed to use heavier weights.  Fortunately, it's much better now, after diligently

Influenza B

I've been having this long running phlegm + irritated throat + cough for weeks already. As at now, it's almost gone. It was at this stage previously after a first course of Amoxycillin but it inexplicably worsened when I was in Butterworth, a few days before Ban and I were going to bring my mum to two hospital appointments (morning and afternoon). Doctor there gave me a short course of Azithromycin but didn't seem to help much.  Two days before the the hospital appointments, I had fever. At this point, doctor was convinced it was a viral infection instead of bacterial. He asked me to return to him if fever worsens, paracetamol isn't effective in reducing it i.e. the relief doesn't last as long as it should, or it persists for more than 2 days. Fortunately, none of these happen. I was well enough to go through with the appointments but needed Ban to drive all the way. The day before we went home, my niece was diagnosed with Inluenza B, after having fever for nearly 2