Dear Diary

I doubt anyone knows or remembers that I have a diary. No, not this blog but an actual traditional diary.

I have stopped actively write in it ever since I started work. There were a few huge gaps, with the longest one being 3.5 years! I started writing in it in November 1991 and was quite active until early 2000 when I started working. Since then, there have been sporadic entries, with the latest one written down on Sunday a few days ago.

I took the opportunity to randomly read some past entries. Wow, it made me realise I have forgotten many things. So many happy incidents, so many sad incidents, all blown away from my mind. It's good I wrote these down as there are important markers in my life.

So nearly 18 years on, things have changed dramatically. In fact, I can't even point to one thing that hasn't changed. Scary. Yet changes can be for the better. Let's hope there are more of these in future.

I should make an effort to write in the diary more often. Precious memories.


Day said…
Wow, 18 years. Keep writing! o(∩_∩)o
Jaded Jeremy said…
I'll try...especially stuff that I can't even blog about hehe :P
MrBunnyBan said…
18 years... one thing that's changed is you've already had...
Jaded Jeremy said…
Yah, I know: I've grown up ;-)

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