Ticklish current

On Sunday, Derek, Nick, Lloyd and I made our maiden journey to a fish spa, specifically at Kenko Marina Square. Lloyd and I had vouchers that were just enough to get each of us 30 mins of fish spa. Unlike normal massage, one cannot book in advance and so we just turned up. Fortunately, there was plenty of space.

At the entrance, we were asked to wash our legs after spraying some disinfectant on them and then to use their slippers. Our bags were kept in lockers.

Inside, there was a rectangle pool in the middle and a drain-like kind of pool against the wall facing outside. We just automatically gravitated towars the middle pool, which later we learned has the smaller fish (but not much smaller actually).

The feeling is truly unexpected. We couldn't stop giggling for the first 5 minutes or so. It was very ticklish! In fact, Derek kept wriggling about (so guys, we know how to "handle" Derek next time, ok? ;) ) for a while. Later, after getting used to it, it felt like tiny electricity current running through my legs.

It was truly fascinating. Some of us started with more fish on one side of leg and gradually more on the other side. Also, Nick has the most fish on him. He must be shedding plenty of dead skin hehe.

Fish spa

Although I may not necessarily pay to experience this in future, I will still recommend to everyone to try it at least once. Perhaps 15 - 20 mins will do. If any longer and especially if you're alone, bring a book along to read. It should be relaxing.


William said…
Derek's tickle threshold is VERY low.
MrBunnyBan said…
Hehehe, so that must be what William does with Derek. :)

I just can't stop thinking of the dreaded amazonian fish that enters the penis by swimming up streams of pee...
Jaded Jeremy said…
So you now learn something new: fish spa! :P

Omg you gotta be kidding me. Such fish exist?

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