Symptom management

Remember the aircond in dry mode treatment for my sinus-like symptoms? Well, turns out that it is not a permanent solution. The "congestion" around my eyes and face comes back every 4 of 5 days and I have to take decongestion medication then when it becomes unbearable.

I went back to consult my GP, after knowing that by then he would have the report from the specialist. The GP viewed it as good news that the specialist found no infection. Huh? How is that good news? I rather have that infection and take the necessary medication. As at now, it is a bloody mystery.

Oh and guess what? The aircond in dry mode treatment supposedly make it worse because of dry and cold condition. Yet, when I try sleeping with the window open and with fan, it is worse but I feel better using the aircond that way. I am so convinced that this is not sinusitis.

The GP advised me on symptom management. *Groan* What? More regiment and medication? So in total now, the things I need to take for my health are as follows:

(1) Glucosamine for my osteoarthritis
(2) Sinus rinse (with saline solution) for the sinus-like symptoms
(3) Decongestion whenever needed, which is currently every 4 or 5 days
(4) Headon, a homeopathic medication that relieves minor headache due to the sinus-like illness
(5) Omeprazole as and when needed for my gastritis/acide reflux/GERD
(6) Domperidone when my IBS-like symptoms come about
(7) Librax when my IBS-like symptoms come about
(8) Antacid whenever my gastric rears its head



Elyssa said…
Aiyo..I see your list also I feel sick already. I know how you feel about prefering it was an infection so that treatment can be done straight away.
plainjoe said…
Have you tried taking garlic supplements? I had a lot of that congestion in my sinus which led to severe headaches and swollen face. The garlic supplements seemed to help. Of course with plenty of regular sleeping hours, workouts, and balanced meals.
Jaded Jeremy said…
My list is not infectious lah :)

Oooh thanks for the tip. I may try it.
Anonymous said…
When I first found out I had nasal allergies, my doc in NY recommended a flu shot yearly. He could not explain it, but said flu shot alleviates nasal allergy symptoms to some degree. I tried most anything just to be comfortable. Mine is not cured, but mostly under control. SR

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