
A schoolboy in Singapore was reprimanded by his English teacher for being mischievous. He was supposed to complete a certain well-known proverb, presumedly by using the well-known words. Instead, he stated it this way:

People who live in glass house should not undress.

I laughed out loud when I first read this. I thought it was a brilliant substitute for the standard proverb. Too bad his teacher couldn't appreciate it. I know that she wanted him to learn the standard proverb so as to pass exams but she could at have least complimented him on his creativity and then gently explained to him why he needed to answer in the standard way.


Shake Trees said…
wahaha... funny. little johnny.
savante said…
If I'm the father, I'd have strangled the teacher :P
Elyssa said…
I am curious..what is the correct proverb?
Jaded Jeremy said…
Koala Express,

This was described in a letter that his faster wrote to the newspapers as an example of rigid education.

People who live in glass house should not throw stones.
Legolas said…
How creative! And realistic too.
William said…
People who live in glass houses should have more sex.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Ya lor.


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