On Twilight Saga

A very interesting read from "Reasoning With Vampires". After you have your fun reading the main body, I do encourage you to read, from the left-side menu, "About", "An Overview of Opinion", and "FAQ/MM", preferably in this order.

As a sample, the first two paragraphs of "About" are as follows:

Prior to actually reading Twilight, I had an opinion about it. I scoffed and mocked. I argued with my sister that, No, no, Edward doesn’t sound like the perfect guy, because I don’t really think that breaking into the bedrooms of teenage girls without their knowledge is romantic. I maintained a generalized position that Bella and Edward’s relationship seemed psychologically unhealthy. Also, the idea of a sparkling vampire was too ridiculous not to mock. Yet, I never felt like I had the authority to really trash the book(s), because I didn’t read them, and I try to avoid being a jackass. Then it seemed like Twilight was everywhere with the upcoming release of Eclipse in theatres, so I decided to earn my Twilight badge and read it.

I fully admit I was prejudiced. I expected to be mildly offended by the content. Even so, I took for granted that it would be a good book because of how wildly popular the series is. Surely, an author doesn’t sell millions of copies without writing well! I was wrong. I was so wrong. I have not read a book so poorly crafted that wasn’t the construction paper publication of a child.


MrBunnyBan said…
But...but the construction paper publications of a child are cute!
Jaded Jeremy said…
What construction paper publications?

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