Purpose of having children
Friend: Do you know that I was conceived as an insurance for my family?
Me: Huh? What do you mean?
Friend: Well, my elder brother was the only child for sometime until one day, he was nearly knocked down by a car. My grandmother then insisted that my father have another son. Hence me!
Me: What?! *laugh*
Although it seems rather funny at that time, it is actually rather sad.
I personally know of people whom parents view them as 'investment' e.g. they are born and bred with the sole purpose of looking after their carers (I don't view them as 'parents') once they're mature in future. Oftentimes this is demanded.
For goodness sake, please don't do this to your children. It's hurtful and I'm pretty sure they would rather not be born than to suffer this. Parents should just do their best in raising their children and if they turn out right and treat you well, then it's a bonus. If not, then you've done your best and move on.
There's usually a primary/key purpose.