Switching geographical positions

When I was working in Singapore, Nothamsap was studying in Sydney. We met a couple of times in Singapore and once in KL (when I was visiting Ban regularly) but thereafter, it was like fate playing a cruel game with our schedule :)

For example, when I moved back to Malaysia, he then moved to Singapore, looking for work. In September, I was in Singapore for a week and so contacted him. However, he was flying back to Sydney.

Latest example is best illustrated by this sms dialogue:

Me: Hey Nothamsap. I'm in Canberra.
Nothamsap: I am flying to Malaysia today hahaha.
Me: Lol. Are you avoiding me? ;) We keep switching geographical positions!
Nothamsap: I know! How long are you going be in Canberra for?
Me: Until Nov 12.
Nothamsap: I am coming back on the 11th!!! Omg.
Me: :D You just changed your arrival date, didn't you? You sux ;)
Nothamsap: Hahaha no, I didn't. Aiyo. We should arrange it next time.
Me: Yes, we should! Perhaps when we next meet, we may be toothless and chew on soft boneless chicken meat :D
Nothamsap: Haha not that long! Probably soon, who knows.


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