Appendicitis? Nooooooo

Right when I was on the verge from fully recovering from the previous illness, I had another! This time, it was truly nightmarish. At one point, I told Ban that I wished I could "load game" i.e. to 'restore' the previous 'session' so that I didn't experience this new illness.

I started having stomach discomfort, somethig akin to gastric or gas in the digestive track, right after I ate one of the apples I bought recently. Ate some bread later before going out for dinner. I also had something new during dinner: clams and fish maw in bak kut teh (on top of the usual pork and mushroom) and a dish of stir-fry sliced fish. After dinner, stomach still felt a little funny and so I took domperidone. Burped quite loudly and felt a little better.

It was shortly before going out for supper that I noticed the stomach cramp, specifically cramp around the intestinal area. Decided to take buscopan and went for supper. First time to Snowflake at Uptown. I had their black glutinous rice + red bean soup, again something new for me. Meanwhile, the cramp worsen to such that I walked a little hunched because it was more painful to stand fully upright. The pain had continually pulsated all this time.

Took domperidone and buscopan again right before sleep but in vain. It was just too painful to sleep, especially if flat on the bed. I had to bend legs to ease the pain a little. Ban drove me to a 24-hr clinic (it was past 1.30am already), coincidentally in Uptown itself. Had to wait about 25 mins for the doctor to be back from supper.

Side Shaka Appendix & Virgo MC

The doctor asked plenty of questions, which was good. He managed to pinpoint the pain to the appendix area. However, since I have no other symptoms of appendicitis (notably fever) aside from the cramp, he didn't think it was appendicitis. I did alert him of wanting to vomit, which occurred just about an hour before I met him. Gave me a jab, some medication and a referral letter for me to bring to hospital for tests should the pain persist.

Back in bed, I was struggling to sleep, not entirely due to the cramp, which has much subsided due to the jab, but because of restless legs! It was very frustrating and frightening. I was so so so tired but the moment I started relaxing, the restlessness began. I now suspect that maybe it was the side effect of the anti-nausea medicine.


Since I couldn't sleep and the cramp still persists, I decided to go to this hospital. Ban drove me there. I was hoping that I didn't need to be put on drip.

There was few people there past 4.30am. Had to register but the waiting time to see doctor wasn't long. He too agreed with the GP doctor that it may look like appendicitis but I didn't have fever and other symptoms other than cramp. So he took some blood and urine to perform tests to check for appendicitis. Ban and I didn't know that there's blood test for this illness.

I was given a bed in the recovery area to lie down. Somehow, I started humming in my head the song "Morning Has Broken" and that at least helped me to rest a little despite the restless legs. The results supposed to take an hour but thankfully it took only 30 mins and showed negative for appendicitis. Phew!

The hospital doctor told me to continue the medication prescribed by the GP and he also added a muscle relaxation medicine, which contains orphenadrine citrate and paracetamol, to help with my restless leg. He advised me to monitor and should the pain persist or worsen, I should go back to the hospital for ultrasound scan. He gave me an open appointment for that.

By the time I was in bed, it was past 6am. Overall, I managed to sleep better but woke up every few hours. I prayed very hard for us to sleep well and also that I would get well, without being diagnosed as having appendicitis.

Thank goodness the cramp was almost gone when I finally woke up for lunch. I still feel bloated and don't have good appetite but I manage to pass motion normally and have been expelling gas hehe. I really hope I'll recover soon.

Ban, thank you very much for being there for me. Muack!


khai said…
I suspected that too...
Anonymous said…
You are a mess :) OK, enough attention for the first quarter of 2012. Jokes aside, you ate so many "new" food, so it will be hard to pinpoint what could have upset your stomach. Normally, glutinous rice (black or white), is not very settling for an already upset stomach. That could have aggravated the situation, and the anti-nausea med could have given you some other adverse reaction. sr

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