Protection against mozzies

At the beginning
Mozzies were common unwelcome visitors at Ban's place. At first, we this this electrical device that supposedly could repel insects (or, at higher setting, rats). Failed miserably. Made in China.

Partial victory
Next, we tried using Repel MOS from Causway i.e. a repellant made of lemongrass, I believed. It worked 50% of the time during the day but it was no match fo night time mozzies. We had to close all doors at dusk. This made his place a little stuffy and hot. Since I didn't like using aircon (not good for my sinus and throat), we used a standing fan, which incidentally also helped to repel mozzies.

When both of us were infected with dengue fever one after another (about 2 months apart), Ban resolved to get insect screens installed in his place. Meanwhile, we closed doors even earlier i.e. at 4pm and would be earlier if it was raining. I notice mozzies love coming indoor when it rains. After much procrastination that ended with a show of frustration on my part regarding the importance of our health, he managed to hire some people to install the screen within a week of making an appointment.

Great victory
Since then, life was so much better. We could leave our doors, including the balcony's, open to allow air circulation and enjoy whatever breeze there was. We didn't need to use any repellant.

Intrusion again
However, this peaceful life was broken when we discovered that mozzies were waiting at the front door to take every opportunity to come indoor whenever someone walked in or out. Goodness! One would think they were intelligent or something.

At first, we tried to tell everyone to go in/out as quickly as possible but darn mozzies were very quick. Ban then had a brillian idea: use Repel MOS just outside the front door. It worked marvellously :)

We also recently discovered that they were also waiting at the balcony, ready to pounce in the moment the screen door was open. We hardly open that door and so it is not a big issue.

What's up with these mozzies and their die-hard attitude to get in here? With some sort of strategy too!


William said…
You guys must have some kind of super sweet blood
Jaded Jeremy said…
Maybe the smarter ones were sent to battle us :P

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