Cholesterol 2021: Part 1

Results as compared to 4 months ago:

                                Sep 2020        Jan 2021          Ref. range
Total cholesterol           5.1                 4.9                  < 5.2
HDL ("good")               1.89              1.81                > 1.04
LDL ("bad")                  2.9                2.8                 < 2.6
Triglycerides                 0.6                0.7                 < 1.7
Total/HDL ratio            2.7                 2.7                  < 5.0

So it's more or less the same, right? Or optimistically can say it improved. Here's the weird part though: 

(1) During that four months, I took Fenofibrate daily for 2 months and then on alternate days for the remaining two months.

(2) Less (rigorus) exercise because couldn't swim due to CMCO and MCO restrictions.

(3) No change to diet.


William said…
Definitely an improvement.
Arvind R.K said…
it's funny how i had been using ghee for myself and Bee for years on our breakfast and cooking, yet our cholesterol levels are totally normal, despite eating outside, perhaps it's the supplements we take or the herbs, whatever it is, avoid processed food like margarine etc, they're lethal, and always go for the natural option, avoid low fat scam, go for that fresh milk, go for that butter, go for that ghee, if our ancestors lived a happy life eating tons of eggs, meat, poultry, why can't we ?

and most importantly, live stress free, stress manifests a lot of health issues

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