MCO 2.0 survival tips

This was a list, each item broadly defined, that I came up with on the spot when asked:

(1) Eat healthily most of the time, must indulge every now and then 😛
(2) Chat with people at least every now and then
(3) Exercise. Difficult, I know, but making it a habit will make it easier
(4) Create something: write, cook, art or anything that stimulate your brain e.g. discussion, solve puzzles
(5) Adequate sleep
(6) Leisure (probably the easiest haha)
(7) Doing nothing for 5-10 mins, multiple times a day. Mind just go blank. Even better if can incorporate deep breathing.


William said…
Where's the skanky time?
Arvind R.K said…
whoa, why no mention about sex ? that's important !! XD

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