Crusader Kings II: Big Two

As expected, King of Germany (temporarily) left defensive pact (against me) when he brought up a marriage proposal. My eyes widened when I saw that I could press claimed to the Kingdom of Germany for my son-in-law. I had to think for some time because realm-wise, Germany was just under a third of mine but strangely its army was so much lower. Maybe much of it was expended in the war against Venice?

In the end, I bit the bullet: granted my last remaining excess holding (a county) to my son-in-law and pressed his claim. Largest conquest by far!

Ah, I was hoping there wouldn't be a revolt so soon against the new German King.

I had less than a hundred (in-game) years left before it ends. I thought it would be nice to add France to my realm, so as to have a huge contiguous land.

Initially, I did something that I hadn't done in hundreds of years: fabricrate a claim, so that I could land one of the title claimant. It was much later that I discovered an existing German earl vassal had such claim. Excellent!

I then waited for the King of France to leave defensive pact (against me), which he, and everyone else, did so upon the death of my then emperor.

At the end of this war, I am technically emperor of three additional empires (on top of the current Empire of Alba): Maghreb (eligible for this for quite some time), Hispania and Francia. I can't create them though: it'll risk breaking the realm if different tanist is chosen for each empire, which is highly likely.


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