Crusader Kings II: Return of Orthodoxy's True Believers

Arrrgggh this Orthodoxy "true believer" phenomenon (likely due to Secret Society feature) is so annoying! Just before this, I had stamped it out of my king, duke and earl vassals, leaving only the mayors and bishops which I wasn't worried much about. 

However, later I learned that "demand conversion" attempts will highly increase the chance of this secret society and so it's a vicious cycle e.g. court chaplain converts king vassals from Orthooxy to Catholic and then the latter demand conversion from their vassals.

Meanwhile, when this mushroomed once more, I again checked whether any of them I could attempt to imprison due to plot discovery and for once, there was a couple. Fortunately, they rebeled: I could then crush them and revoke their titles. One of them even called their ally. Very good.


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