Heroes of Might and Magic V

I loved the story and the universe of Might and Magic. It's unfortunate that the series eventually fell out of favour. I blame Ubisoft.

I played Might and Magic 7 (MM 7) , MM 8, Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (Heroes 2), Heroes 3, Heroes 4, Heroes 5 and Heroes 6 but I've completed only MM 7, MM 8 and Heroes 2. I nearly finished Heroes 5 but the game crashed after I just finished the penultimate campaign. I shelled out money for original DVD. Yes, this was pre-Steam age.

So recently Ban suggested I get it on Steam to finally finish the storyline it. Good idea! Coincidentally, the very next day, there was a sale! So I bought the Heroes 5 and its two expansions i.e. Hammer of Fate and Tribe of the East.

I've already completed the first 3 campaigns: Haven, Inferno and Necromancy. I'm now doing the 3rd mission of Dungeon campaign. It was only recently I suddenly thought of recording potentially interesting battle.

Before each campaign, I tried researching ideas of how to build the main character of the campaign. For Raelag, aside from Irresistible Magic and Defense which he came with, I chose Destruction, Summoning, Sorcery and Luck. Yes, heavy on spellcasting. I was a little doubtful about dipping into both these schools of magic but later I found them to be useful in different situations. On the field, Destruction is often sufficient. When sieging castle, Summoning predominates. Then there were situations where both were dominant.

As Raelag gained more mana capacity, I could be less stingy with using mana and be more effective in battle. Example:


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