Car comparison

I'm not into cars but I always remember that Proton cars are shall I put in a car crash. Years ago, I pressed my palm on a proton saga and shocked to notice that how much less resistance it had against my palm, unlike other cars. Now, maybe things have improved since then but this seems to vindicate the decades old perception:
(I am not responsible over the veracity of this video clip. Believe it at your own risk.)


MrBunnyBan said…
Oh! I've seen this before, during the time I was driving a Waja. The car I drove had two major crashes before me, then one third major crash by me before we sold it away.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Wahhh hope nothing serious happened to you. Dump Proton ;)
Little Dove said…
I opened up the inside of my car's driver side door. It has no metal bar running along inside it. Like an empty shell. Eeeks!
Jaded Jeremy said…
Little Dove,
Ohhhh...time to change car ;)
Jaded Jeremy said…
Hehe ok lah, at least I do think Proton did improve.

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