
Love in Nature, originally uploaded by williamnyk.

There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.

- Anonymous (please let me know if you know who said this)


Little Dove said…
Is it Mother Teresa? ^_^
savante said…
True. Then again I don't mind some good bread :P
William said…
I bet it isn't Uncle Sloccum.
MrBunnyBan said…
But you eat a lot of bread... so that means you hunger for love and appreciation is very the high...
Legolas said…
I need love and bread. Can't live without both.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Little Dove,
Would fit her, wouldn't it?

Masuk perut, habis lah.

Who is he??

Haha :)

Surely can find subtitute for bread?
Anonymous said…
That's because bread not yummy enough ;)

Food lover

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