Avatar: an update (spoiler)
If you read this and/or if you were one of the fortunate/unfortunate ones to have spoken with me recently, you would know of my opinion of how alike Avatar and Pocahontas are. Till last week, only 1 other person (a colleague) thought likewise too, without much prompting from me. Recent, she forwarded this to me:
She suggested that we should do something similar with Lion King and turn it into a blockbuster :)
She suggested that we should do something similar with Lion King and turn it into a blockbuster :)
But these are popular mah and so the comparison
Yes, I like Pocahontas but it just that because the story is not that original, I was a tad disappointed in Avatar.
Go watch if it's still on. Worth watching...even without the racoon :P
Little Dove,
I was expecting that not alas, it was not to be :P
It is not only the general storyline that's similiar: it's some of the details too e.g. the "you don't know the forest", the living old tree, the offering of prayer to animals killed, the chanting - all these on top of the storyline itself. I cannot remember there's another famous movie that is so similar to Pocahontas/Avatar.