Civ IV: Sir Bunny and Little Dragon

Recently Ban and I started playing Civilization IV on his laptop. We played as a team using hot seat mode. Took ages to finish the first game because I was keen in winning via cultural victory.

We started a second game where basically we aimed for domination victory i.e. via military. I chose the Chinese civilization. Normally, the first city built would be given the default name "Beijing". I renamed it as:

Dragon City

I discovered Confuciansim and Christianity. I had no choice of which city these religions were founded and both were randomly founded in my second city. Well, since Beijing was not taken up, it was offered again as the name of this city. Instead, I chose this:

Bunny Luv Shack

Very religious place, right? Haha.

A glance at my Chinese cities:
JJ's cities

A glance at Ban's Roman cities:
Ban's cities

Top cities were:
Top cities


William said…
Little Dove said…
I hope I didn't read wrongly but did Bunny named his city Naked Dragon? Oohh, so sexy! ;p
Jaded Jeremy said…
They are all Romans! With funky cities of course :)

Little Dove,
Yes, he did hehe. He didn't believe me when I insisted that there is a way to rename the cities. Once I did mine, he also wanted to change his :)
savante said…
Good God. Both of you are forbidden from naming cities! :P

Usually conquer the rest through cultural achievements as well. So much more satisfying watching them convert to my side. Without spilling a drop of blood.
Janvier said…
After a while of naming cities, you'll find that you'll not bother :P

Love cultural victory as people flock over too! Means we spend less on military might. Haven't managed to play much of Civ 4 tho'!
Jaded Jeremy said…
savante, Janvier,
I believed you both were refering to Civ 3 where enemy cities may convert to yours if you're culturally strong enough. I love that too. But I'm not sure it's the same case with Civ 4 or (Ban, care to enlighten?). In Civ 4, you need 3 super cultured cities to win.
But great culture would still push boundary.

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