Shaky driving skills

It has been over two months since I started practising my driving. Taking into account those time I was at home and didn't drive, I estimate that I had a solid 2 months of daily practice.

Things definitely did improve compared to 2 months ago, however, there were some improvement made in between of which I inexplicably backslide on. I still don't know why it happened. It's rather stressful.

To top it all, I had to get Ban's car repaired because it scraped against a pillar while I was moving it out of the car park spot at his place. The car was dented too. This made me even more anxious on a whole while driving.



Anonymous said…
Full sympathy from me....Unless it is automatic! Hahaha

savante said…
Don't worry. Not the first time Ban got his car dented. Haha.
Little Dove said…
Dents shouldn't make you more anxious, but more careful. Keep driving! ^_^
William said…
An expensive lesson, one that you would not easily forget. You can only improve!
MrBunnyBan said…
It is memang automatic.

*whacks paul.

Don't worry about the dent - these things happen when you haven't been driving enough. More practise!
Jaded Jeremy said…
It is automatic :P

That's cold comfort!

Not with other people's cars.

Little Dove,
Careful...and anxious.

Hope you're right.

Totally forget to practise past week :(

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