Broken Mage Knight

Since quite some time ago, I brought up the idea of getting our own set of Mage Knight boardgame but Ban wasn't keen because a fellow boardgamer already had it and we managed to play with him maybe on average once a fortnight. I countered that if we had our own set, we could play whenever we liked, instead of relying on the availability of other people. Nevertheless, I didn't get one.

However, lately it had been difficult to arrange for a session due to the game's owner busy schedule. Hence, I decided to get a set of my own and Ban agreed to share with me :) A friend of ours is a member of Meeples and he helped us to get one with 10% discount. Yay!

The joy, however, turned a little grim as we gradually discovered defects on most of the cards, a map tile and a few tokens :( Our friend guessed that this set was part of the batch subsequent to the first batch and it was probably a rushed job because the game was high in demand. Gah.

Upon contacting the owner of Meeples, our friend helped to take photos of some of the more serious defective items and sent it to the former, who will then forward them to the game publisher. The desired outcome is to have the publisher replacing this defective set with a new one.

Let's hope for the best!


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