Atlas Reactor: Su-Ren revisited

There were some changes to my build since I last blogged about Su-Ren:

(1) Martial Master - Zen State (3 loadout points)

I still highly recommend this mod. Watch the first video below (specifically turn 6) for yet another moment of "healing mod ftw!".

(2) Serenity - Gaia's Blessing (3 loadout points)

(3) Shifting Winds - Protector (1 loadout point)

These two mods together give lots of healing and can save a team mate who is being focused on by the enemies. Watch the second video for the clutch healing on turn 15.

Yes, there were times when the second dash was wasted but I think I'm better now at positioning and so such occurrence is minimised.

(4) Spirit Bend - Chi Overflow (1 loadout point)

(5) Karmic Justice - Gaia's Chosen (2 loadout points)

Reasons given in previous post remain valid for the choice of these two mods.


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