Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire is a deck building game that's highly recommended by Ban. In fact, he recommended it to me quite sometime ago but I didn't take it up, probably because I was already busy playing a few games and didn't have time for another.

However, earlier this year, I was bored with Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark (but started afresh recently), played Overwatch just enough to get Silver rank in support role, was unhappy with the wilcard situation in Minion Masters, and Dota Underlords was becoming more random for my liking. For reasons that I forgot, I then picked up Slay the Spire.

To me, it's a good game but I get bored once I managed to beat the final boss (videos of each success below). Probably because I'm not good enough: I don't see the point of playing at higher difficulty, that has only downside, when the normal difficulty is already challenging. Only other reason to repeat the run is to try different builds but I find that only a few builds can give you decent chance of beating the final boss. Others can probably do it too but I'm just not good enough to do that.

Nevertheless, it is one of the best deck building games around and I believed the amount of enjoyable time I get out of it is worth the price I paid.


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