Fell Seal - Arbiter's Mark - character build (Part 5)

(continue from Part 4)


Counter: Counterattack
Passives: Defense Expert, Life Font

Reaver's an interesting formidable class. It can debuff, transfers debuffs, deal damage at range and area effect damage. Desperate Blow is unique: it does a set a of damage that cannot be reduced by DEF or RES. It synergises with Reckless Blow, which has quite a high damage multiplier too.

Desperate Blow is more effective the higher the character's hitpoints. So Ban advised me to use maul (it gives additional hp) and a good class that can use it is Mercenary. This class also allows the character to use shield while wielding a maul (via Sturdy Grip passive) while its other passive, Health Expert, augments both the character's survivability as well as potency of Desperate Blow.

Counterattack counter is perfect for this high attack tanky frontliner who likes to gets into enemy's face.

Defense Expert improves survivability while Life Font is there as sort of an insurance. You can try to make do without it but I couldn't hehehe.

This package makes Darkness a formidable tank.

Counter: Root
Passives: Smart Casting, Permanence

Alchemystic is the best buffer in the game. In fact, its Maste Haste is cheaper to cast than Gadgeteer's Speed Generator and, unlike the latter, also effect the target in the middle of the cross. Soul Tendrils is the only offensive ability but costly to cast.

So since typically he'll be busy buffing the first few turns, Sorcerer, with its Eruptor and Economy passives, is a good complement. However, depending on the needs, I had instead chosen Mender or Plague Doctor at times. Wizard can be a good fit too especially if Sorcerer's area effect spells dangerous to use for the same reasons given for Lana.

Root counter is great for escaping from melee enemies.

The chosen passives are essentialy for area effect buffs.

Counter: Counterattack
Passives: Defense Expert, Life Expert

Both are tanky classes but why both of them? As a minimum, I use Defensive Hit (from Knight) most of the time and then Righteous Blade (from Templar) to dispatch enemy. Since Defensive Hit is manaless, this means Righteous Blade can be used sooner.

Other abilities that come into play every now and then are Defend (move forward towards group of enemies but can't reach to attack), Protect (enemies too close to fragile ally), Taunt (prevent enemy from unleashing high damaging skill/spell), Heavy Hit (great opening attack on high hp enemy), Cleansing Blade (an efficient way of nerfing highly buffed enemy) and Embolden Chant.

One particularly neat combo that Ban highlighted is Chivalrous Spirit and Rapturous. It needs a little foresight since it requires two turns. Theoretically it's very useful but fortunately I have yet to need to activate it.

Counterattack is always a good choice for melee tanky character that does good Regular Attack.

The chosen passives elevate the tankiness of this character.


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