Strange law

A country is currently planning to update their law governing insurance so that it's in accordance with international best practice, protect consumers and all those good stuff. Among the proposed changes are licensing requirements of various professionals, including claim assessors. Of course they couldn't resist collecting fees for those licenses. 

It is good that they spell out when the various licenses will be revoked (e.g. when the professionals committed fraud) but one particular scenario made my eyes widened: if claim assessor hasn't assessed any claim for a period of more than 6 months, their license will be revoked 😂

So, imagine this scene in an insurance company:

CFO: Good news! There have been no claims for nearly 6 months already and the actuary expects nothing unusual for the remaining year. Our investment is doing well too.

CEO: Excellent! We can expect record profit this year.

Claim assessor: Oh no!

CEO: ?

Claim assessor: My license will be revoked in a few days time if there's yet to be any claims filed and assessed! Please, I beg you, can you hire an arsonist to burn down a customer's house?

CEO: ?!


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