Cholesterol 2024: Part 1, WBC count

Here are the results compared to 4 months ago:

                                Sep 2023              Ref             Jan 2024            Ref
Total cholesterol           5.1               < 5.2                  5.6               <5.2
HDL ("good")               2.1              > 1.04                1.73              >1.04
LDL ("bad")                 2.7                < 2.6                 3.3               < 2.6
Triglycerides                 0.7               < 1.7                  1.3                <1.7
Total/HDL ratio            2.4               < 5.0                  3.2               < 5.0                   
Non-HDL                     3.0                < 3.4                  3.9               <3.4

The increase in LDL is expected: as per doctor's advice, I forwent medicine but only after my 1-month trip in Australia. I didn't take medicine a few days before departure (ran out of fenofibrate, the previous medicine) and started taking 10mg atorvastatin (and finished the entire month's supply) during my stay in Australia. Then it was off medicine again for about 10 days before my annual health screening.

Since LDL is still below 4 and total cholesterol is below 6, this result is good enough according to the doctor, given my lifestyle and assessed low comorbidity risk. The crucial test would be in 3 months time.

The drop in HDL is expected as I seldom had salmon while in Australia, whereas back home I normally have it twice a week.

My WBC unexpected increased from 3.0 to 3.5. Neutrophil also increased, from 52.7% to 56.1%, which translates to count of 1.96, way above the critical value of 1.5. Yay! Hopefully it'll improve further, despite me not knowing how it happened.


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