Australia Budget, Merlin, Men

So there's a tough choice for a weak Prime Minister: raise $1.9billion by making health more expensive and putting more pressure on the public hospital system, or by adding about 3cents more to the price of a cigarette and taking pressure off the public health system.

- Australia's Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull on the Government's proposal to fund new spending with a new means test on taxpayer-funded rebates on 30% of the cost of private health insurance

You always have a choice. Sometimes it's easy to to think you don't have one.

- (may not be entirely verbatim) Guinevere to Gaius in the British television drama series Merlin

Girls grow up to be women. Boys grow up to be just bigger boys.

- me quoting to my sister. Anyone remember who originally said this?


Cheryl said…
y boys not became men meh? why ar?
Jaded Jeremy said…
It's because they still behave as boys :-)

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