Pen & paper RPG

I've always encouraged Ban to go out and socialise more especially since he much prefers to be at home and can stay at home for weeks without seeing anyone. So I'm so glad that he is now in two pen & paper RPG groups, though one of them may be already dead due to a horrendous episode recently.

I, on the other hand, have also been trying to arrest the decline of my mental agility. So I asked whether I could join in a group. The potential benefits for me are as follows:
  • Socialise with new people and thus exchange ideas etc
  • Learning new game, which requires imagination/creativity, It also widens my interests (hopefully)
  • Yet another game Ban and I can play together
Ban recently bought the game manual for Ironclaw, an anthropomorphic fantasy role-play, and is now forming a group. So far, there are 3 players (including me), with Ban as the game host.

Last night, Ban went through with me the character creation process, of which I learned other things relating to the process. The thing the strikes me most is that the game does away with the concept of hit points, which is truly unheard of.

I'm feeling excited and at the same time anxious about playing this game. Hope it'll be fun!

PS: I should read the book tonight!



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