Ending of Magician: Master

I would like to discuss, with those who have read this book, about its ending, which is baffling to me. So, spoiler ahead for those who haven't read it.

Macros tricked both sides of the party into thinking that one party has betrayed the other party. His ulterior motive is to close the rift, with the help of Pug. The rift, he claims, is like a beacon of light to the Enemy. He insinuated that such trickery is needed because people can't be persuaded to the logic of destroying the rift  - a rift that people on both sides of the world can use to facilitate trade and exhange of ideas and knowledge.

I beg to differ.

Firstly, on the Tsurani world, the Great Ones, in the course of getting their black robes, know very well the grave threat posed by the Enemy. They can either persuade the noble houses to let them destroy the rift or just can invoke their special status to do so since the Great Ones are outside the law of the land.

Secondly, on the Kingdom world, Pug, due to his training as a Great One, will certainly understand the grave danger of keeping the rift open. Thus, Macros, who himself is trusted by some of the main characters, and Pug, who is definitely trusted by the people in charge, can persuade King Lyam and Prince Arutha of the great danger.

The above solution, in my opinion, should be superior with the actual ending where thousands of people die and where hard-won peace is shattered by perceived treachery. Such a great shame!

Am I missing something here as to why the ending is like that? Is that really necessary?


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