Recognise this singer?

I was playing a particular singer's album on my laptop.

Me: Oh, honey, guess who this singer is.

Ban: *listened a while and then* Don't know.

Me: You know that song I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You? *hummed a little of that song's chorus*

Ban: Yah.

Me: She wrote that song. It's Cathy Dennis.

Ban: ...

Me: Oh, oh, you may recognise the next song. Wait ar.

(Few minutes later, the song Too Many Walls was playing)

Me: Do you recognise this song?

Ban: I think so?

Me: *smiled* Look at that face? You think I don't know what you're thinking ar? "If I say yes, then maybe JJ will stop asking me these questions." Correct or not? (went over and kissed him on the cheeks)

Ban: *giggled*


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