Booster shot

Booster shot campaign did materialise but not for the reason I posited. It was the emergence of Omicron that precipitated this decision.

The recommended schedule was 6 months after the second dose of AZ but that was cut to half. I'm wary of yet another short cut but admittedly I don't envy the government's position. Fortunately for me, my appointment was exactly just one week earlier than recommended.

For AZ recepients, the recommended booster vaccine is either AZ itself or Pfizer. Thomson Hospital administered only Pfizer

Here were my observations from the time I was vacccinated until my recovery from its side effects:

1. 11/1, 2.55pm - 4.15pm: The whole vaccination process took this long.

2. 11/1, 7.25pm: Was already sleepy but I didn't want to sleep so early. Much later, in the middle of my sleep, the jabbed area on my arm flared up in pain but fortunately I could fall back to sleep.

3. 12/1, 9.35am: No fever even though I felt warm. Moderate rhinitis. Didn't have restful sleep the night before.

4. 12/1, 12.45pm: Felt warm inside but cold on the outside. Still no fever. Jabbed area was painful.

5. 12/1, 1.35pm - 3.15pm: Took one tab of paracetamol for the sinus headache before nap. Temperature normalised i.e. no longer felt warm inside and not cold on the outside. However, there was increased in heartbeat rate that luckily normalised shortly after nap. Probably due to lack of sleep. Jabbed area was painful whenver arm was raised to should level. Thristy almost all the time.

6. 12/1, 9.40pm: Slight fever at 37.1 degree. Took 2 tabs of paracetamol.

7. 13/1, 11.50am: Jabbed area less painful

Pretty much recovered shortly after that.

As for Ban, he was given AZ and his only side effect was lethargy for half a day two days later.


luke! said…
Hey...hey...hey....It's good to know that some people are still actively blogging. :)
Jaded Jeremy said…
It keeps my brain active :)

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