And another

A month after the last appointment, my dad's condition overall worsened:
  • Very poor appetite: eats only half his "normal" portion.
  • Much weaker: previously didn't need someone to walk beside him. Now he sways when walking. Painful when stands up and walking.
  • Needs help getting up.
  • Because of the above two, he needs to wear diaper.
  • Leg/back pain returns less than 2 hours after last intake of painkiller. Occurs about 3 days in a week.
  • Nausea and vomit more often
  • Oxynorm breakthrough intake 4 times a day on top of the thrice daily intake for breathlessness
The only improvement is that constipation occurs less often: about 3 days a week.

  • increased Fentanyl patch dosage to 100mcg. 
  • upon enquiry, discovered that dad experienced "blocked" gas in his upper abdomen. Since metochlropromide sometimes didn't help with the vomiting, they prescribed domperidone as optional alternative medicine.
  • when asked, said that Oxynorm should be effective for 2 to 3 hours.
  • when asked, said that we can repeat the one-time flushing with 4-6 tabs of Senokot the next day if constipation persists.
  • said that chemotherapy would probably do more harm than good given dad's current condition.
  • may suggest palliative radiotherapy if needed.
  • will leave it up to PCU to refer us to them so that we do not need to spend any more time than needed at GH.
With the help of my sister, we managed to get a temporary monthly maid to take care of dad 24/7, starting early next year. Hopefully it'll work out.


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