Paladins: Corvus

It has been almost 3 years since I played Paladins. Last I blogged about it was in May 2013. The last time I stopped playing because many players, including me, weren't happy about the developer's planned changes to the cards system. They did scrap that plan but I didn't go back to it because, as someone who loves to play support, it was ridiculous that Cauterize 3 reduced healing by 90%. Normally at that point, support was supposed to concentrate on doing damage rather than healing. I don't like because, hey, if I want to do damage, I would have played DPS champion.

Recently, I discovered that they nerfed Cautrize by reducing the % at each level, and so at level 3, it's now 75%. So I went back playing it again. First problem encountered was that the game treated me like a new player and there was no way, in game, I could get back my old account. Hence, I created new one but I'm sad because I have already unlocked many characters in the old account. I sent a support ticket to the developer and now waiting for their response.

My intention was to play Seris, easily my favourite support champion, but I noticed that Corvus was available during this current rotation. I had already by then watched videos on this champion and so I decided to try him.

At first I tried AndrewChicken's "Sustain" build but I seem to have trouble staying alive. Hence, I tried FrostFang's build which seems to work better for me. Here's a gameplay using this build:
(for more details on the champion, read this gamepedia)

Then I tried to come up with my own build:


I finally settled on two builds:


(1) Default build:

Talent: Spreading Influence

Grand Design 5

Shadow Tribunal 3

The Price of Salvation 5

Priority Targets 1

Magistrate's Might 1



(2) If oppposing team has multiple flankers:

Grand Design 4

Shadow Tribunal 2

The Price of Salvation 5

Priority Targets 3

Magistrate's Might 1



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