Paladins: Grohk 3

Many things have changed since I last played Grohk. Some cards are no longer available. Most importantly is the creation of the new talent Spirit's Domain. This dramatically increases Grohk's healing capability.

I tried Maelstrom because it looked fun but I quickly abandoned it because of my lousy aim hahaha.

Besides, being a support main, I'm already partial towards Spirit's Domain. I tried a couple of builds based on Youtubers' builds but I couldn't seem to stabilise. 

So I checked PaladinsGuru for popular builds. All five builds had over 50% winrate. Four of them were quite obviously for the talent Maelstrom. So I used the odd one out for Spirit's Domain and it worked well so far. I'm just a little skeptical on the usefulness of the Spirit's Grace.

It was only later I realised that this loadout is exactly the same as the loadout that the game already built for the Spirit's Domain talent. Fancy that. Just reminds me of Atlas Reactor where the default mod set was already good.

Here are some gameplays (loadout shown too):


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