Three of a kind


There are 3 kinds of actuaries: one who can count and one who cannot count.


Medie007 said…
wat's the third type?
Jaded Jeremy said…
Think about it: since I'm in the actuarial line, which kind would I be? That'll answer your question...indirectly :-)
Medie007 said…
i don't actually know la... :P
Jaded Jeremy said…
That means I belong to the kind who cannot count lah :-)
JamesW850i said…
Let me see, is it regarding the incident of dinner before I went clubbing one ah? The 7 bucks incident?
Jaded Jeremy said…
Omg you think too much lah. This is a post on a joke. I've failed! Lol. Luckily, not my joke :-)

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